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We believe in the value of conveying environmental awareness through educational programs and projects.
While we adhere to the global vision of transforming education from indoors to outdoors and from national curricula to place-based learning, our action has to be local.
In such a local effort, we have mapped more than 400 ancient trees in St. Polten, where our European branch is based.
We are determined to get these trees legally protected.
WHY ancient TREES?
The last natural oases in highly populated urban areas must be preserved to strengthen the ecological health of nature and the emotional health of residents. Every ancient tree counts.
We have covered quite a few hundred kilometres on the city grounds when we developed our local education program and also mapped more than 400 trees which are more than a hundred years old (we call these trees "Big Friendly Giants" or BFGs in short).
We started this work in 2020 with the publicly available natural monuments, of which there are currently 39 in St. Pölten (as of 2022). In the process, we noticed that no new natural monuments have been recognized in St. Pölten since as early as 2006 and that its total number has been declining sharply since 1991.
The protection of large trees should be of special concern to every citizen, because they represent an almost non-renewable resource (it takes several generations until a tree grows to the mighty ago of 100 years) which provides exceptional ecosystem services that are essential to our survival.
With every old tree that is removed, an important habitat, a small ecosystem, which until now has given us support in the "web of life", is wiped out. Old trees must be protected and thus the microclimate as well as the biodiversity of the urban ecosystem are to be improved by declaring them natural monuments.
What ?
goals of green steps
Our mission is connecting you with Nature and our goal is a shift from an anthropocentric to an eco-centric world view. Our strategy is gamified environmental education.
Become a member of our NPO and spread our cause and tools. Map old trees and other points of interests in your neighborhood or on your property at:
Members are encouraged to support Green Steps events and activities by forwarding information from our social media channels to their personal networks. Members are encouraged to sponsor our work with donations.
Membership DURATION
Your membership starts by subscribing to our newsletter and is for an unlimited period of time It can be terminated any time by sending an informal email to with the subject "Termination of membership".